Your Medtech brand is not something an agency gives to you. Nor is it something you buy. Your brand is defined by the relationship you have with your customers, and it’s shaped by the messages you send and the response those messages elicit. Getting the attention of busy physicians and hospital executives is more challenging than ever for medical device manufacturers across the globe. Doctors are busier and have less time to see patients, let alone talk to a sales representative. Successful medical device marketers have learned how to harness the power of digital to achieve their key objectives.
In this episode of DeviceAlliance’s Medtech Radio, we speak with Chief Operating Officer of TMG360 Media, Kristy Kennedy. TMG360 Media is a Medtech media company focusing on exclusive editorial coverage to influence mainstream media, policymakers, emerging companies, strategics, investors, payers and providers, clinicians, and consumers. Join us as we discuss
– The biggest changes medical device companies must consider for their marketing strategies
– The new outlook on social media
– How the empowered patient will impact consumerization of Medtech
– Adding value beyond the device
– How upstream and downstream marketing has impacted sales
And much more!
Creighton ChaneyKristy J. Kennedy: The Changing Tide of Medtech Marketing | Ep.47
What are Contract Research Organizations? For any Medtech company, working with CRO’s allow them to outsource work that would otherwise require significant capital to do internally. CRO’s let you avoid buying expensive equipment and hiring or training staff for a short-term project. Having independent oversight is critical to ensuring compliance, keeping your clinical research trial on track and bringing your device to market faster. For this reason, many companies hire a clinical research organization (CRO) to monitor, audit, and even manage their trial. Medical device trials in particular bring complex compliance challenges, so having a CRO with specific expertise in this area can be tremendously beneficial. How can you be sure you hire a medical device CRO that is committed to ensuring compliance and is as invested in your success as you are?
In this episode of DeviceAlliance’s Medtech Radio, we speak with the Director of Regulatory Affairs at Inari Medical, Sarah Boundy Wong and Vice President Clinical Affairs & Market Dev. at JenaValve Technology, Inc., Vinny Podichetty. Join us as we discuss the best-shared practices and methodologies for selecting a medical device CRO, where does one find CROs, the biggest selection considerations, and lessons learned from both of their professional experiences.
Creighton ChaneySarah Boundy Wong & Vinny Podichetty: The CRO Selection Blueprint | Ep.40
COVID-19 has put the Medtech industry at center stage with unparalleled demand for diagnostic tests, personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators, and other critical medical supplies. In addition to the extraordinary measures underway to rapidly ramp up manufacturing capacity and capabilities, Medtech companies are also looking outside their normal sector boundaries to explore creative solutions to strategize how they will supplement capacity, open-source equipment design, and address deployment of medically trained employees to support public-health needs. Forward-thinking firms will need data to respond with new products, services, and operating models that can optimize the shifting landscape of healthcare and Medtech development.
Join us as talk with the CEO & Founder of LSI, Scott Pantel. In this episode, we discuss the challenges of living in an era of an overabundance of Medtech data and how unique market insights remain an industry challenge. We explore why it’s more important than ever for startups and large corporations to make their key strategic decisions based on unique and timely insights. Learn about Covid’s impact permanently changing the Medtech landscape, and the new considerations the industry must face to address unmet clinical needs.
Creighton ChaneyScott Pantel: The Endless Data Challenge | Ep.39
It has been said that it takes an average of 4.6 years and tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to get a medical technology through R&D, Regulatory, Manufacturing, and Clinical Research before it is successfully commercialized and sees wider acceptance and adoption. That is a very long lead time and hundreds of thousands of hours of hard work too.
So why do Medtech companies miss the Market Access question?
Join us as we have a discussion with Claudia Graham on how companies can think differently, scientifically, and strategically to bring great technologies to patients sooner. Claudia Graham is a former Senior Vice President, Global Access at Dexcom; and has 20 years of experience in medical device market access, marketing, and product development.
For medical device companies, the consumerization of Medtech represents a new paradigm. In the past, medical devices were more targeted toward healthcare providers and payers – now there is a demand for direct-to-consumer products. People are demanding to have more control over their healthcare and they want the ability to proactively manage it. The connected health and wellness devices market is expected to reach $612 billion by 2024, according to a report by Grand View Research Inc. and the wearable medical device market alone is projected to reach $14.41 billion by 2022, according to Markets&Markets Inc. As Medtech explores opportunities within this business model, this consumerization will forever change how healthcare is delivered and medical device evolve.
In this episode of DeviceAlliance’s Medtech Radio, we speak with the FDA Consultant and President of Vascular Sciences, Dr. Michael Drues. Join us as we discuss the consumerization of Medtech, defining what is a medical device vs. wellness device with respect to regulation, the “essence” of these distinctions, interpretation of words, and one’s ability to defend them in regulation, “Class 0” devices, and wellness devices impact on the evolution of medical devices.
Creighton ChaneyDr. Michael Dreus: The Consumerization of MedTech | Ep.37
Medical device marketing teams are facing unprecedented times as we close out in 2020. As companies emerge from COVID-19 constraints, marketing teams are struggling to refocus their respective work roles and manage the transition back to the workplace. The challenges that marketing teams are facing are more daunting this year than ever. Product launches have been delayed, sales have been lost, and trade shows have been canceled. We’re coming into business planning time and marketing teams will be forced to reckon with the usual “do more with less while at the same time achieving exponential growth” pressures. Only this year, there’s more pressure than ever as teams look at how they can make up for lost time and dollars while managing supplier and manufacturing issues and other critical gaps in infrastructure.
Medical device companies have an opportunity to play a role in helping the hospitals solve these challenges that are bigger than the price of the device. By providing needed value-added services and support for hospitals that help address challenges such as infection control, patient throughput, and emergency room wait times, medical device companies can position themselves as indispensable partners.
In this episode of DeviceAlliance’s Medtech Radio, we speak with the Founder of Bloom Creative, Svetla Kibota. Svetla has more than twenty years of experience in the pharmaceutical, medical device, and medical technology sectors. She’s managed a breadth of medical brands and spearheaded numerous product launches. Prior to founding Bloom Creative, she led the marketing and client services teams at Lathian Health, an interactive medical marketing and medical education agency where she helped recruit clinicians to various digital campaigns. Before that, she worked across Europe and the U.S. for Gilead Sciences and Applied Medical Devices, in both marketing and sales roles. Join us as we discuss…
– Essential marketing strategize for Medtech companies
– Pivoting from volume to value
– The empowered patient model of marketing
– Branding for 2021 and beyond
– The impact of stories over facts
– Optimizing digital communication tools
Creighton ChaneySvetla Kibota: The Head and Heart of Medtech Branding | Ep.34
How does one take a medical device idea on a napkin to a 510k approval to market release as efficiently as possible? How does one manage risk to drive the safety and quality of products and processes, while striving to be first in a innovative market? How does one change their company’s focus from simply meeting regulations to building quality into their processes as a differentiator? How does one understand and stay ahead of the FDA and EU changing quality regulations as leaders instead of followers?
In this episode of DeviceAlliance’s Medtech Radio, we speak with Founder of Greenlight Guru, Jon Speer. Join us as he shares his deep insights in the differences that help medical devices get to market faster with less risk. Greenlight Guru is the only quality management software platform designed specifically for medical devices companies. The platform helps companies get safer products to market faster, simplifies FDA and ISO regulatory compliance and provides a single source of truth by connecting the management of all quality processes like CAPAs, risk, audits and more.
Creighton ChaneyJon Speer: Bringing Safe Products to Market Fast | Ep.12
Medical device design and development is a complex process rife with regulations, specifications, application requirements, and end user needs — all of which must be balanced and adhered to for a successful product. If your device lacks usability, market share will suffer, but if your device doesn’t meet regulatory guidelines, it won’t make it to the market at all. There’s much more that goes into designing, developing, and introducing a medical device to the market than simply coming up with an innovative idea, building your product, and offering it to the masses.
In this episode of DeviceAlliance’s Medtech Radio, we interview Jörg Lorscheider, Director Of Sales & Marketing at Omnica along with Earl Robinson, President at Omnica. Join us for an in-depth discussion on the unique challenges of medical device product development, the difference between products that “go big” and those that struggle, and the perils of being first in a ever fast paced market of innovation.
Creighton ChaneyOmnica Corporation: Orbiting Medical Product Development | Ep.5