DeviceAlliance Professionals Academy


DeviceAlliance is the only non-profit professionals association focused exclusively on promoting the vitality of southern California’s medical device community. We’re an all-inclusive group comprised of all generations and professional disciplines within the industry. Our biggest advantage are our members as they have a ‘pay-it-forward’ mentality and understand the importance of giving back to the community we serve. DeviceAlliance’s leadership board consists of a variety of industry professionals which volunteer their time free of charge because they see the importance of building a symbiotic ecosystem where industry professionals have access to a single source for information, strategic relationship building and career development.


DeviceAlliance strives to be the one-stop-shop at the center of the medical device ecosystem helping drive collaboration, innovation and career development for all device professionals in Orange County, California.


To develop a local device community which works in sync with one another for the betterment of the collective whole to ensure SoCal medical device continues to be the foundation of the industry in the USA. We will achieve this by focusing our efforts on the development of people, not just technology. We will be the premier medical device group in Orange County through our competitive advantage of a continuously engaged community on the forefront of medical device innovation.


In 2018 DeviceAlliance began its quest to create a robust set of programs which will be a part of our newly created ‘DeviceAlliance Professionals Academy’.  The purpose of this Academy is to provide hands-on support & educational opportunities to Orange County’s medical device professionals to further develop their skills, careers and achievements.

Key Programs of DeviceAlliance’s Professionals Academy Will Include:

  • Young Professionals Committee
  • Career Mentorship
  • Management Lunch & Learns
  • Medtech Radio Podcasts
  • Advanced Education (future program)

We will achieve this long term goal through strategic partnerships with local universities and device companies in Orange County.

deviceallianceDeviceAlliance Professionals Academy